Friday, January 28, 2011


I constantly talk to my daughter about her choices. She is two and a half we always talk about things that are good choices and things that are bad choices. Tonight she make a choice that made me so proud. We were at McDonald's for our traditional family Friday night ice cream date. Anna always gets an ice cream cone. Drew and I had finished eating and she accidentally dropped her cone on the floor. We all looked at each other. Drew said that he would wipe it off, knowing the loss of the cone would make her very sad. I simply said that I did not think that it was a good choice because it was on the floor and might have germs that would make her sick. Anna thought about it and she looked me in the eye and choose to throw it away! No complaining no looking back. I was so proud of her to give up something she wanted because it was not the best choice (at least in my opinion). When she was making her choice I kind of felt like she was looking at me and thinking, I trust you to help me make good choices. It was just a really cool experience.


  1. Great story. I would have bought her another one but it was a good decision. I am proud of her.
